The Gift

By Maître Pierre

3- The Man

That morning she had awakened in such a bad mood. She had had this dream, which was making her crazy. This dream, well, she was having it every night, and if, by chance, she didn't have it, well, she would miss it…

To make things worst, like usual, her necklace had disappeared…again

She had tried to find it, for almost an hour. Just when she had abandoned all ideas to find it, she had opened the cereal box, to eat breakfast, to find the necklace in the box.

Now she was just furious. And to make things worst, her roommate had taken all the milk, and now, she could not eat that breakfast she had wanted so much.

Oh yes, she was enraged!

She had dressed quickly to go to the nearby food market. Within walking distance from her home, there was a big old market, well known in Montreal, called, "Atwater market". Now, she was entering the building, to get milk and some other stuff she needed at home. In one of the little stores, she got everything she needed.

In line waiting to pay the cashier, she is looking around, bored, when suddenly, she froze.

A man, carrying a tool pouch, is walking in front of the store, where she is. He is dressed in blue clothing, from a service company. He is about six feet tall and has a short dark beard, with a little white in it.

The man turns his head and look at Katy.

Their eyes meet.


Katy forgets where she is. She can hear the drum…. She can feel her wrists being bound to that post.


That man IS the man in her dream.

Well, almost! Except this man a wear glasses and has brown eyes.

He smiles at her.


"MATAMETOTALMAN!" the man shout to the sky, raising his wooden snake.


The drum responds!

The man moves slowly, going behind her. She is trying to follow him with her eyes, but being bound facing that carved post, it is very difficult for her to turn her head.


Now he is standing, at her back, a few feet behind her. She cannot see him, but, she knows he is there.

"Whoosh". She hears the wooden snake in the air, just before it connects with her back.

The pain is amazing.

She yells in pain!


The drum responds to her.

"Mademoiselle! Mademoiselle! Avez-vous un malaise?" (Lady!, lady, are you feeling ok?) The lady cashier asking in French.

Katy is startled.

She realises where she is.

"Non! Non! Je ętre ok", she answers with her bad French.

Everybody in the line is looking at her. Her face is terribly red from embarrassment!

She pays the lady quickly, and storms out of the store. She walks a bit, then, in a calm corner of the market, she leans against the wall, trying to get her composure back.

"What the hell!" she is asking herself.

"That man, cannot be!" She is thinking at the speed of light,

"Impossible!" she says to herself.

She feels a little touch at the beginning of her back, near her butt.

She turns around.

A small child is standing there, holding a blue rose at her. Katy, without a word, bends and takes the rose. The small child, having done his task, runs into the crowd disappearing.

Katy lowers her eyes to the blue rose. She has had a gift from a stranger she realises.

Now she is confused.

She looks in the crowd, trying to find the man, without any success.

She doesn't know what confuses her more, the blue rose, the man in her dream that just disappeared, or the fact, that she is wet between her legs.