How To Build A Dungeon

By Maître Pierre


W/we A/all have seen the pictures of gymnastic like dungeons with twenty foot ceilings, filled with all kinds of marvelous toys inside. Some of these dungeons are incredibly beautiful and huge. I, Myself, envy those People who own a castle with big spaces which enable Them to build these magnificent playrooms.


If, like U/us, Y/your castle looks like a small bungalow and Y/you cannot afford a big space for a dungeon, because Y/you have kids, or Y/you live in an apartment, well, the next series of articles are for Y/you!

This is the first of a series of articles, dedicated to People who want to have BDSM plays with their partners, but cannot have a big space for a playroom. This will be good for People with no space at all too!

In this series of articles, I will explain My train of thought and some of O/our real life realities that brought U/us to build that special room.

If Y/you have ideas, pictures or articles about Y/your own dungeons, well, feel free to send them to U/us and it will be O/our pleasure to put them on O/our website.

Good reading!

Maître Pierre

Here's O/our house or what some would call; "real life problems"
The choice of the room is made
The TD (temporary dungeon) where W/we had so much fun
The Wish List For O/our New Dungeon
The finished dungeon....finally! (beware, lots of big pictures to download!)