The sound rumbles through my silence
Cuts through the veils of mist
They that cloak my vulnerabilities
Give me safe haven to hide
Again it resounds and leaves me wide open
Pounding relentlessly to be admitted
Giving no quarter as it takes its deadly aim
Louder it grows
Demanding attention
Liken it to a fire ever growing
Feeding and feeding on me
Its breath
Commanding my attention
Drawing me nearer
That I may feel its heat and power
Take warmth in its glory
Or die withered in the wake of
My denial
Calling for my surrender
Over and over it breathes into me
Clamoring for attention
Like fingers dripping ripe with juices
The petals within lay exposed for my viewing
Do I run
Do I deny its wakening call
Dare I scream out my wanting
I turn and face it
The mirror image is played back to me
Showing me all
It is me
Dangerous is the dreamer
Who dreams with their eyes open
Do I dare to dream
And surrender to its joy