How To Build A Dungeon.
By Maître Pierre
The TD (Temporary Dungeon)
The room that we used to call the "TD" for Temporary Dungeon is in fact a guest room. Because we have the need for a guest room and the fact that the room was not adapted for our play, we decided to leave it as a guest room, it's first use.
Because we have already done some successful modifications to the room, we feel these features are important for the design of our future dungeon
Let me introduce you to the room we call:......
The "TD"!
Same size as the future dungeon (9 feet 4 inches by 9 feet) It looks a lot like the room where the future dungeon will be. It's first function being a guest room, with it's two closets, it will become a very good place to store winter stuff (coats and stuff) and one of the closets will become the linen closet.
One of the problems of this room, was the fact that there is no door that we could lock. The opening of the door frame being not a regular size, it would have meant for us, if we wanted to install a door, major modifications would have had to be done to the door frame. And. because we want to use the room for storage purposes due to its two closets, it would have been awkward to go in the dungeon, to get linen.
But, this room, the TD as we call it, served it's function quite nicely until now. There was some modification made to this room for our play
A removable hook was installed. But, because of real life problems, the hook was actually never removed from the ceiling, even if we could easily remove it from there. Instead, when we had vanilla visitor, we simply told them, and you will recognize the lie, that "It was to suspend a very big plant".......yes, a type of plant known as "A sub!" :)
By the way, on the pictures, the room looks bigger than it really is, thanks to the use of a wide eye lens (this is why the black circle on the pic)....don't get your scale wrong folks!
Another easy modification we did on the wall of the TD was the installation of six rings attached to the studs. Two near the floor, two near the ceiling and two mid way between the ceiling and the floor. In the pic, they are not easy to see. Very efficient to immobilize a sub.
And finally, we used one of the closets as a storage space for our toys. On the inner wall of the closet, we attached some hooks to suspend our toys. One of the problems is lack of space (glad to tell you that we have too many toys now...)
We had a lot of fun in this wonderful room but soon it will be dismantled for the profit of the new dungeon and returned to its first use as the guest room.
The Wishlist
For copyright reasons, our original copy of this article can be found at: The "TD"
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